Under the epidemic situation, the global manufacturing industry is facing many tests. The current situation of work resumption and the future development trend of automation industry under the epidemic situation are worth pondering

In fact, in more and more fields, with the promotion of automation technology, the industry is developing in the direction of digitization, intelligence, networking and comprehensive integration, and the factories in the manufacturing industry are constantly moving towards the process of high integration and integration. Under the condition of industrial production automation, people only indirectly take care of and supervise the production of machines. With the development of automation, human will be replaced by machine to a greater extent.

This also means that a large number of factory workers, including translators, reporters, cashiers, assistants, security guards, drivers, traders, customer service May be replaced in the near future. In this regard, Stanford Professor Kaplan made a statistics: among the 720 registered professions in the United States, 47% will be replaced by artificial intelligence.

Take express for example





in future


Automation must be the development trend of future factory enterprises, with many advantages

1. Reduce labor costs

After the use of automation, the manipulator can replace a lot of repeated manual labor, and all the workflow to achieve a unified standardization. The machine operation no longer depends on the designated professional high-level personnel, eliminates the problems of communication and communication, and reduces the expenditure of human cost.

2. Improve production efficiency

Realize the paperless operation of the factory and simplify the intermediate process.

3. Enhance production reliability

Automatic production must standardize the unified processing process, all processing parameters need to be standardized. Reduce human error, make the processing more stable and reliable.

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