Conveyor belt is an important component of the belt conveyor, which can moves the material  from one to the other. That meet the needs of the users. When the conveyor belt keep in the normal working state, it will efficiently improve the production efficiency.

Due to operation have wrong ,that there are so many problems with conveyor belt during the operation.

According to the text ,you can learn the reason  for the problems of the conveyor belt during operation and how to  avoid the damage rate of the conveyor belt. It is significant for you to improve the belt lifespan by maintain and reduce the damage rate of the conveyor belt .

What are the common problems that cause big damage?

  • material debris was not handled in time.

During operation,there are lots of material debris. And when the material debris was not handled in time, which will be pushed forward with the transportation of goods. When the material debris is pushed at  the corner of the conveyor belt ,it will cause problems with  the conveyor belt.

Therefore, it is important to install belt cleaner and select appropriate blade type to reduce the damage rate of the conveyor belt.

  • Belt deviation

The conveyor belt will be deviate from the belt due to the material rotation occurs ,roller problems and others, which caused the belt wear.

Belt deviation is one of the normal problems leading the belt wear. In view of the deviation of the belt, the operator should check the use of the roller to ensure  the belt is centered.

  • Material rotation occurs

When the material are transportation back, the wear of the belt will gradually increase with the transportation of material, which will reduce lifespan of the conveyor belt .

According to various factors, there are various of different types of the belt cleaning solutions. In essence, their main purpose is to eliminate backhaul on the conveyor belt. Keep a clean conveyor belt to avoid potentially costly problems caused by return transportation.

  • Abrasive problem

Abrasive is also one of the normal problems leading to the conveyor belt damage. The belt will gradually wear out over time. But it will occur serious damage according to the characteristics of the material . Therefore , when you install the conveyor ,you should choose appropriate of the belt material and install the conveyor belt skirt. Those can prevent to the material  from getting stuck between the belt and the conveyor structure.

How to prevent belt damage?

  • choose appropriate conveyor belt material to avoid the belt damage due to the  characteristics of the materials. In the conveying operation ,the characteristics of the material and the environment greatly influence the lifespan of the conveyor belt .

Therefore ,if you choose a improper conveyor belt ,which will accelerate the damage of the belt conveyor. And the type of the belts are pvc ,pu etc.

  • Daily cleaning and maintenance

According to the different materials conveying, residues of different specifications will appear on the belt, which resulting in wear of the belt during operation.

It is recommended to check the conveyor belt in time before starting work and after operation. Inspect and cleaning of the adhesion on the conveyor belt in time can effectively avoid belt conveyor.

  • Prevent the conveyor belt from deviation

When the machine start to operation, the conveyor belt deviates due to the accumulation of the materials, which will lead to friction between the transported materials and the edge of the belt. The conveyor belt will be severely worn.

  • The belt will be severely worn 4 Maintenance of idler parts

Idler is one of the important parts of the conveyor, and it will also be affected by the environment. The idler gear may freeze, stain or misalign due to conditions. Ineffective idlers will lead to insufficient production. It may also cause the conveyor belt to wear faster than normal. The idlers need routine inspection and irregular periodic cleaning to ensure their good operation.

Regular inspections can also help you determine when to replace them so that they do not become too worn.

  • Effectively install impact idler or impact bed

When transporting heavy materials, especially in the impact area, the conveyor belt will be torn and broken due to the speed of the transported materials. Effectively install the idler to reduce the impact of materials and prolong the lifespan of the belt.

  • Reduce dust accumulation

Dust is inevitable in any environment. Dust in industrial transportation environment will have different degrees of harm. Dust generally accumulates at the conveyor point of the conveyor belt, which is why it is essential to install a suitable dust-proof system to prevent the wear of the conveyor belt and improve the efficiency of the conveyor belt.

The above is a common problem and measures related to the use of conveyor belts, I hope that through the content of this article can help you extend the service life of the conveyor belt and reduce the damage rate of the belt conveyor.

For more information about conveyors, please pay attention to the following:   How to Choose the Right Mobile Telescopic Belt Conveyor? 

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