If you work in agriculture or another bulk handling industry, you might have heard about the screw conveyor system. This mechanism is also sometimes known as an auger conveyor, and it is used often when collecting grain or even liquid.

 But what is the primary function and advantages? How is it maintained?  These questions and more might keep you from wanting to use the screw conveyor, but you should not be intimidated.

This helpful mechanism can make a real difference in the industry, and you will be glad that you chose it. Here’s exactly what the screw conveyor system is about and how to best utilize it.

What is the function of the screw conveyor?

As we just covered, the primary function for any type of screw conveyor is to collect grain and other semi-solid products in bulk. It can be used in a variety of ways, collecting materials from positions including vertical and horizontal.

This mechanism consists of a tube with a shaft through the center. A spiral blade moves around the shaft and transfers materials at a measured rate. It is one of the best ways in the industry to move products quickly and safely, and has been a reliable part of agriculture for decades.

A good example of this is the environmental protection hopper, sometimes known as an eco-hopper. The environmental protection hopper serves two amazing functions: to capture as much product as possible while decreasing pollution.

As the grains and other materials are being gathered, the environmental protection hopper uses a series of covers to stop dust and portions of the products from escaping. Just like with the eco-hopper, the best function of any screw conveyor system is getting product loaded as safely and quickly as possible.

Application scope of the screw conveyor system

We’ve mentioned that the screw conveyor  machine is used to transport grain. This is a huge part of the usage, but it can actually be applied to a wide number of products. The ability to move materials from a vertical, horizontal, and inclined position means that this mechanism comes in handy for moving all forms of items at a steady pace.

Here are just a few of the different things that a screw conveyor can effectively move: food waste, wood chips, animal feed, meat, grains, wet cement, fly ash, limestone powder, aggregates, and solid waste. These materials can also vary in solidity, including the semi-fluid.

Screw conveyors also have different types available, from the most common horizontal type to the incline. There is even a shaftless type of screw conveyor that removes the central shaft for the spiral blade so that materials can flow through the system as well as around it. In addition, the flexible screw conveyor can be moved and applied in more ways than other types.

The conveyor can operate at set speeds, and you can calculate your desired speed by considering the volume of materials per hour that needs to be sorted. The type of material being conveyed will also impact your type and overall speed.

For example, a dry product that is more likely to break apart and give off dust and other particles should use a sealed screw conveyor. This will provide protection, much like the environmental protection hopper. As you can see, any type of screw conveyor has a wide application.

Advantages of using screw conveyors

You will quickly find that there are many advantages to using the screw conveyor system. After your first time using it, you will most likely not want to use anything else! The biggest advantage is they can move a huge amount of materials in bulk, even across a variety of materials. How many other mechanisms can easily move both fluid and solid products?

You can also choose a specific type of screw conveyor in order to best fit the job you need done. For example, a flexible screw conveyor can move materials through angles and distances others cannot.

Another huge advantage is that you can elect to have a covered screw conveyor if you are moving hazardous or dry materials that need to be contained. This allows you to use this mechanism for basically anything you need to transport.

How to maintain the screw conveyor equipment?

With a tool as useful as this, you need to make sure that you maintain it properly. The biggest advice to follow is to make sure you do not overload the mechanism. It can handle a lot, but overloading or stuffing in a large amount of materials can break the machine or at least damage the quality.

You should also make a habit of checking the spiral blade after each use. A screw conveyor system is only as good as the spiral blade it uses, and damage needs to be repaired as soon as possible. If you notice anything amiss, you will need to use a welder to repair the blade.

It is also essential to keep in mind the speed at which the mechanism will operate. The heavier the material you are transporting, the slower the spiral blade will turn. In addition, lubricating oil will be your best friend.

Add it regularly, coating the gears and transmission chains in order to ensure everything is running smoothly. With these tips, you can properly maintain your screw conveyor for as long as you need it.

The industrial screw conveyor is an ideal choice!

The screw conveyor system consists of a tube, covered or uncovered, which contains a shaft and spiral blade. As the blade rotates, materials are transported easily from point to point. These materials can come from a wide range, including grains and even cement.

Screw conveyors are known for being used in agriculture, but they also come in handy for construction, mining, and food processing. With their importance in a variety of industries, it is no wonder that they are so popular.

Now that you fully understand it, you are ready to consider using a screw conveyor to transport essential materials. You will be glad you did it!

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